
It feels like I haven't gotten to travel in AGES. This is a ridiculous thing to feel, as it was only Christmas when I got to explore Bremen and Bruges, but I suppose when you get used to doing a lot of something, you miss it when it goes! My sister and I were talking the other day about how funny it is that we feel like we need a change of scenery every so often, even if it's just a day in Copenhagen. Just being somewhere different is instantly relaxing, as much as I love being home with all my own things. It’s been a bit of a stressful time recently, so I was really excited to have some time out and explore somewhere new for a few days. This time our travels took us to Prague, another city I was completely new to, but had heard great things about. It was quite an impromptu trip compared to usual, which only makes it more exciting, doesn’t it? A long car journey (filled with some very good travelling music, if I do say so myself) and an overnight stopover later, and we had arrived.
Prague is like no city I've ever been to before. It's such a mash up of the old and new, and everywhere you look there is something to see. The architecture here is incredible, there's so much detail. We started off our first day by going to the John Lennon Wall, a wall which has been filled with street art since the 1980s. It was a place for people to post their grievances and issues with the government at the time, but now symbolises peace and love, and really is a great thing to see. 
We then headed over to the castle, which has the most insane views out over the city, and is beautiful. It was a bit of a walk up, but so worth it. There is so much to look at up there, it's almost like a city in itself. The detail on the buildings is ridiculous, it is all so intricate.
It's pretty cold here at the minute, so I wrapped up warm in my trusty fur collared coat and velvet gloves, which are so much cosier than they look! I fear some of you may already be a little sick of seeing me in this coat/bag/little dress combo. Over the years I may build up a collection of coats, but until the sun graces us again we're stuck with this one (so its lucky I do absolutely love it, mainly for the faux fur). My dress is one that I've been wearing to death lately out of sheer laziness. It's so easy just to throw on (especially with it being a smock dress, the comfiest dress style of all). I don't usually wear that much colour, but I really do love the colour of this! It's not too bright and not too dark, and it’s quickly becoming a staple in my wardrobe. 
Also, Happy Valentine’s Day! Whatever you do and whoever you spend today with, have a wonderful time. That's about all from me I think as I should be getting ready for another day exploring, so I hope you are doing fabulously!  

Bethany x


  1. Prague is beautiful...I must go here, amazing :))) xx

  2. IVE SIGNED THAT WALL! Haha! It took bloody ages for us to find it. I love Prague :)

    Corinne x

    1. It is a bit hidden haha, its such a great city! x

  3. Your photographs are so so beautiful! xx

  4. I've been to Prague (eeeeeep inside I'm bursting with all my lovely memories), it's such a wonderful city and that wall is to die for. Your hair is amazing, by the way. I love the length and color. I'm inspired now. Hmm..

    1. Its an amazing place, loved it! And thank you SO MUCH, You've made my day! x

  5. Wow, great pictures! I also would love to travel, especially to Europe one day, great blog!

    x Kellie

  6. So lovely! Your outfit looks stunning.
    ♡ Dulce

  7. Amazing photos, and such a cute outfit.

    Jenn from

  8. Love the pictures! And your outfit is so cute :)

  9. Love this post the pictures are amazing!


  10. these are some incredible photos! lovely blog hun

  11. That last picture is the loveliest!!!! Looks like you had an amazing time, I wish I could go to prague now!!!!!!
    Alice x

  12. WOW, beautiful post <3
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Instagram: @bethanygraceo